Friday, September 5, 2008

Meet Bill (2008)

Bill (Aaron Eckhart) is a loser. Mr. Mundane has never wanted anything in his life; in fact, Mr. Mundane has always settled. When he discovers his wife Jess (Elizabeth Banks) is banging the local action news reporter, Chance (Timothy Olyphant), Bill's ready to turn over. It's not until he reluctantly agrees to mentor a high-school boy, that he finds the inspiration to take back his life and sense of self.

Meet Bill, much like the title character, is lame. The movie is hardly engaging and quickly becomes painful to watch. Everything is bad--plot and character development, cliches, comedic timing, score--it's all bad. All this bad quickly has the film jumping the shark. What a shame.

Aaron Eckhart is under-appreciated in my book. He plays exceptionally lame well, but what a waste to have his talent here.

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