Saturday, September 20, 2008

In Her Shoes (2005)

Two sisters (Cameron Diaz and Toni Collette), insanely jealous of each other, but neither one take time to discover both are self-conscience, flaky people due to a crazy and now dead mother, neglect from their father and excommunicated grandmother (Shirley McClaine) Blah, blah, blah. Fight, apologies, smiles, the end.

In Her Shoes is a recycled, convoluted mess. The numerous story lines are predictable and painfully opaque.

Cameron Diaz knows how to strut--the camera can't get enough of her long legs and cute ass. Toni Collette has two faces... contorted and pained, both. Shirley McClaine is just being herself.

There is NOTHING remotely interesting or redeeming here--we've seen it all before and in way better versions.

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