Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Searchers (1956)

When Ethan Edwards (John Wayne) loses his entire family at the hands of Comanche Indians, Ethan begins the search for his only surviving niece, Debbie (Natalie Wood). Don't ask me what else happens...he eventually finds her, but by then Debbie is one of them. Emote, emote, roll eyes, and scene.

Continuing my journey through Spielberg's rentals, I wondered what he's thinking with this selection. Often hailed as a masterpiece, The Searchers is a beautiful film with great cinematography. Technicolor is amazing! But...and this is a big one... the story doesn't hold up.

John Wayne is perfectly cantankerous as Uncle Ethan, but this is not his best performance. The myriad of supporting characters with similar subplots compete with Wayne's Ethan. Everything is diluted {sometimes non-sensical} and that causes the film to be insufferable long and disinteresting.

As I see it, this movie is lost on me. The Searchers is an essential classic in the western genre if you mind Speilberg and other industry greats. I, however, respectfully disagree and submit that the 'character studies' that are so often heralded are actually Bonanza rejects.

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