Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ondskan (2003)

For years Erik Ponti (Andreas Wilson) has endured the after dinner beatings at the hands of his sadistic stepfather. When he is expelled from high school for fighting, Erik's mother sends him to the renowned Stjärsnberg Academy. Erik soon discovers that many of the students face extreme hazing at the hands of the school's older students. Troubled by the violence, Erik is determined not fight, but rather stand true.

Ondskan (translated simply as Evil) is a Swedish import that seemingly like most European imports, manages to present an oft told story in a fresh new light. Under the direction of Mikael Hafstrom (Derailed), Evil is an atmospheric tale of violence rendered, both psychological and physical. Throw in a battle of the classes and you have an ugly tale of two cities.

Lead Andreas Wilson is engaging--think a rugged Tatum Channing. Wilson is conflicted as Erik, a young boy continuing the cycle of violence he has always known. But you can see the transformation in the actor when Erik decides to break the cycle. He is fierce, but compassionate when confronted. Hendrick Lundstrom plays Pierre Tanguy, Erik's sole friend at the academy. Lunstrom is top-notch in the supporting role. Gustaf Skarsgard's Otto Silverhielm is Hitler to Wilson's Ghandi. Skarsgard is bone-chillingly sadistic as Silverhielm who's blood lust has no end.

As I see it, Evil is an interesting examination of adolescent cruelty/coming of age and despite the somewhat fairy-tale ending, the film leaves an impression. Unheralded intensity and grim brutality give the film an unlikely edge, but its the performances that make Ondskan really worth watching.

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