Thursday, February 26, 2009

Laugh at me. Again.

My favorite radio morning show has what they call 'show code'. In essence, should something profoundly embarrassing happen you are honor bound to share it with fellow listeners.

Constant Reader, laugh with me. Hades, laugh at me...

So, I'm driving down the road, on my way back to work, when I spill half a bottle of Sprite... in my lap!! Check it. I've been nursing bronchitis for a week now and the carbonation provides minor relief. Don't ask me how I spilled it, but I did. I can't exactly cause I an accident; {imagine that explanation}, so I have to suck it up and let that Sprite permeate the front and backside of my slacks.

How embarrassing. {Now imagine how the little kid with a full diaper walks--I'm fighting every fiber of my being to walk normally, so no one will notice.}

I have to return to my desk with, not damp, but wet pants. I slink back in, hoping that none of these God-forsaken people will notice. They don't. {Maybe there is a God.}

Then it hits me. How funny is this?! I just couldn't help myself. I burst out laughing and thanking the Maker the afternoon meeting was moved to tomorrow.

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