Monday, February 2, 2009

2008: In review

2008 was a year of much needed escapism. How else do you explain Twilight and Indiana Jones?! 2008 was also a year of abundant mediocrity in film and while The Dark Knight and Iron Man probably deserve a spot on my end of the year list, I--like most Americans--am tightening my belt. The Top Ten become the Top Five. Unapologetically, here are my most memorable films of 2008.

  1. Tropic Thunder ~ An ensemble cast delivers biting satire and sharp dialogue in a riotous FU to Hollywood {and the easily offended}. Downey Jr and Cruise easily upstage Ben Stiller, but it's the little things {Simple Jack, Lance, and 'Sandusky} that make it better worth coming back for more.
  2. Wall*E ~ Only Pixar could coat bitter social truths in a ridiculously cute robot that we all could swallow.
  3. Cloverfield ~ Remember this one? I do. You should.
  4. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button ~ Dull? Hardly. The one-two of Pitt/Blanchett and love/mortality makes a beautiful thing.
  5. Gran Torino ~ If this is Clint Eastwood's swan song, he goes out swinging.

Addendum 03.01.09 ~ In Bruges hereby offically added to my favorites list of 2008. I loathe to knock Eastwood off, so I'm just going to squeeze In Bruges right between Pitt and him.

Honorably Mentionables:

  1. The Bank Job
  2. Burn After Reading
  3. Be Kind Rewind

Surprises: Wow, that was nice.

  1. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist ~ One last hurrah for days of youth. This time next year, I'm gonna hate 'whippersnapper' movies.
  2. Young @ Heart ~ In an society that celebrates youth, this film should make us ashamed that we confine such vigor and allow the youth of the mind to go to waste.
  3. Ghost Town ~ An off-kilter romantic comedy that really works.

Ho-Hums: Oh, what could have been.

  1. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
  2. Hancock
  3. Appaloosa

Duds: So bad, I beg you... PLEASE don't watch them.

  1. The Happening ~ Easily my biggest disappointment of the year.
  2. Semi-Pro
  3. Meet Bill

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great list there, Jess. Hope to see this over at the Friends of Faith so we can comment on it....