Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Book Fifty-Two: Bargain Fever

The subtitle of this book from author Mark Ellwood is 'How to Shop in a Discounted World'.  I find the subtitle a little misleading as it's only in the afterword that the author gives tricks for truly shopping in a discounted world.  However, that doesn't take away from the book.  Here you will find a fascinating and often statistical look behind the retail world.  The author explores how the consumer shopping experience has evolved from merchant-driven to truly customer-powered. 

For better or worse, he outlines the 'exclusivity' that has become the trademark of most shopping today.  From Apple to Hermes and Macy's to Target, Ellwood may not change how you shop but he will definitely make you think before you do.  He examines the 'underhandedness' of personal shopping, how real-estate staging works, and how American Girl has become a multimillion dollar industry complete with restaurants and doll hospitals.
In addition, Ellwood explains how our brain reacts to bargains and demystifies 'the shopper's high'.  He takes a closer look at those 'extreme couponers' who I deem legitimized hoarders.  He makes a solid case that you really don't have to pay a MSRP ever again.  While I agree with him, I don't know that I agree with how he or those profiled herein go about it.  He skims the top of addressing the evasiveness of corporations and glorifies the 'tailoring of the shopping experience' that continues to be more prevalent in our shopping society.  Highly disquieting!

As I see it, Bargain Fever, will get you inside the mind of merchants and shoppers alike.  It exposes weaknesses within the system but it also reflects the rabid consumerism that infects our society.  For those willing to learn a few tricks, you could easily parlay the knowledge to your benefit.

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