Sunday, December 28, 2014

Book Fifty-One: The Little Paris Kitchen Cookbook

This delightful French cookbook was a birthday gift back in the summer.  Recipes here are uniquely French and simple.  Author Rachel Khoo has an easy approach to her cooking that eliminates the intimidation often felt with French cuisine.  Although some of the recipes may be far fetched for the American palate, even the novice home cook will find something to try herein.  Gorgeously illustrated by the author and stunning photography, the cookbook is equally at home on the coffee table.  Khoo includes beautiful and educational notes throughout the book, again, helping you apply the recipes to what you might have more readily available.

I appreciate that the cookbook isn't stuffy. No, I probably will never serve a fig and liver pate salad or steak tartare.  However, I look forward to serving a shepard's pie and trying my hand at pain brie.  As I see it, The Little Paris Kitchen Cookbook is a welcomed addition to my kitchen bookshelf.

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