Friday, October 2, 2009

31 More Days of Horror: From a Whisper to a Scream (1987)

The set-up for this horror anthology is priceless.  Historian Julian White (Vincent Price) shares gruesome tales with a skeptical reporter on the eve of his neice's execution.  The stories are top-notch.

Necrophilia makes for a weird tale.  Spurned by an attractive co-worker, Stanley Burnside seeks revenge a la murder.  To make is weirder, consumation with her corpse produces a demon child.

Mortally wounded scum-bag Jesse Hardwick is dumped in the swamp to die, but is returned to health by reclusive old-time Felder Evans.  Jesse figures out that Felder has to the answer to immortality, he resorts to violence.  Every element works here--the best of the four stories, but not my favorite.

Carnival freak Steven (Ron Brooks) pays the ultimate price when he chooses to leave the freakshow for his girlfriend, Amaryllis.  Snake Lady (Rosalind Cash) won't allow it.  What ensues is a gore-tastic masterpiece!

Last, but certainly not least is a gem that makes Children of the Corn look like Barney's Playhouse.  A few Civil War soldiers stumble into Oldfield, Tennessee to find venegance-seeking cannibalistic kids that give new meaning to 'Run for your Lives!'

In these four short shories, you'll easily go from a whisper to a scream!

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