Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pollyanna (1960)

Disney golden girl Haley Mills stars as Pollyanna, the sunny side up orphan who comes to live with her Aunt Polly Harrington (stunning Jane Wyman) in Harrington Town. Obviously, the wealthy aunt gets more than her say in the town's affairs and that has created an embittered populace. Little Pollyanna, with her eternally sunny disposition and 'glad game', soon raises eyebrows. When the town and Aunt Polly showdown over a proposed orphanage and Pollyanna suffers for it, everyone realizes how important this little ray of sunshine has become.

Walt Disney's Pollyanna is genuine Americana complete with picket fences and apple pie. Unlike the films of today's Disney, Pollyanna instills a positive message that isn't sickeningly sweet. Instead, the viewer is uplifted and nostalgic for more.

Haley Mills provides a spot-on performance of sweet innocence. The ever-cute Mills plies a believable role of childhood. Kevin Corcoran (Old Yeller, The Swiss Family Robinson) as her orphaned friend Jimmy is adorable, but I really enjoy Karl Malden as the fire and brimstone preacher Rev. Ford. Pollyanna wins him over in due time, of course.

Pollyanna is family friendly entertainment that recalls a time when children were treasured, families were sacred, communities were extended family members and right always won. C'mon, you know you want to visit.

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