Friday, August 29, 2008

Tropic Thunder (2008)

Tugg Speedman (Ben Stiller) is an actor who's star is waning. After a series of Scorcher films, he's looking to become a bankable actor once again. Kirk Lazurus (impeccable Robert Downey, Jr.) is an Australian born actor who embraces each role, immersing himself in the character. Alpha Chino (Brandon T. Jackson) is a rapper looking for a role on the big screen. Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black), star of the Fatties franchise just wants to be taken seriously and Kevin Sandusky is a young, up-and-coming star that just wants to score it big with the chicks.

Led by director Damien Cockburn (Steve Coogan), the five actors are hoping to make it big with Tropic Thunder, a dramatization of a Vietnam War memoir written by Four Leaf Tayback (Nick Nolte).

Through a series of unlucky events, the actors find themselves in the roles of a lifetime--actually having to BE the people they are portraying in order to survive a drug kingpin.

Tropic Thunder is biting satire. The film is so wrong for so many different reasons and I loved every one of them. Stiller and Co. dare to take the film into dangerous territory and don't pull any punches. They gross out, geek out and take the 'F' bomb to new heights.

Scene after scene, Tropic Thunder brings smart humor, quick dialogue and crazy stunts that keep the action moving and the viewer revolted or distraught. There's too much to cover here. Coogan's herpes commercial was laugh-out loud. Simple Jack--what the hell?! Les Grossman. Half-squat. Lance. Downey Jr. easily has some of the best dialogue of the film, but that doesn't detract from Stiller, Black, or the myriad of supporting cast members. Cody?! Where the $%#&! did this guy come from?!

Perverse and profane, Tropic Thunder is a refreshing, smart comedy. Stiller has returned to form and it is glorious! In essence, Ben Stiller has kicked Apatow's ass with this one.

12.14.08 Postscript: Tropic Thunder is still funny with its gratuitous language and non-stop insults (of just about everyone/thing). NOT for the easily offended, Tropic Thunder is easily one of the best films of 2008,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The movie rocked! Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise steal the show!