Sunday, February 3, 2008

Masterpiece Theatre: Miss Austen Regrets (2007)

Have you ever thought about the woman behind some of the greatest romance stories? Jane Austen is a woman of myth and legend. Was Austen's own life the source of her stories? Did Austen have her own Mr. Darcy? Was she as principled as Lizzie Bennett? Did she suffer the heartbreak of Anne Elliot?

Ths biopic of the beloved author tells the story of the Jane as a devoted aunt. Fannie (Imogen Poots), her neice and most ardent believer in Jane's literary heroines, has asked Jane to assist in determing the worth of potiential suitors. Jane (Olivia Williams), nearing forty, finds herself looking back and examining her own choices as she aids Fanny.

Can't say I've ever really thought about the author behind some of my favorite stories. Guess I was too wrapped up in romance to wonder. Miss Austen Regrets surmises Jane's final years as bittersweet ones. It is during a time when it's inappropriate for a woman of her age to be unmarried or even think about supporting herself-- much less actually writing.

The film is beautiful, but not light-hearted and gay. Williams portrays Austen as witty and clever, but extremely bitter. To think the harbinger of romance and satire would be this sour is difficult-- but who's to really say. Few of her journals would survive her untimely death due to illness, still, I prefer the Jane Austen of my imagination to this poor soul. Austen, I think, would prefer her devoted readers to know her- warts and all.

Ultimately, Miss Austen Regrets is a well made period drama. Lavish and detailed, you're enveloped in the period laughing conspiritorily with Jane.

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