Friday, February 15, 2008

The Cutting Edge (1992)

Kate Moseley (Moira Kelly) is the proverbial ice queen. The sheltered and spoiled pairs figure skater goes through male partners like most people change socks. After another disappointing showing at the Calgary Olympics, she is resigned to never achieving the coveted gold medal. For hockey phenom Doug Dorsey (D.B. Sweeney) the Calgary Olympics were supposed to bring gold and a chance to play professional hockey, instead, after a vicious loss to Germany, he will never play again He too, is resigned to never tasting his dreams. When these two opposites attract, look out! Their competitive edge drives each other to push harder and harder. As their attraction grows, so does their skills on the ice.

Years ago, this was my favorite movie. It was the perfect love story in my preteens. I can remember yelling 'toe pick' at my little brother when he took a fall and finding out the real meaning of 'orgasmic' after using it inappropriately, being reprimanded and made to look it up in the dictionary. Years later, The Cutting Edge is still a pretty solid, if by the book, romance.

The chemistry on and off the ice from Kelly and Sweeney is great. Without that, The Cutting Edge would have no edge at all. The intensity of competition between the two leads is palpable and the viewer is easily engaged. The verbal sparring adds a cute sarcastic element that's all the more enjoyable because of the tension between them.

The cinematography is nice. Upon it's original release how were we to know they weren't actually skating?! Oh and every ice skating fan worth their medal know the Olympics doesn't use theatrical lighting or spotlights in competition. Despite the now obvious cuts to professionals and head shots only, The Cutting Edge blends the real and fake beautifully.

The Cutting Edge is genuinely entertaining. It's a solid film with a remarkable ability to be even more charming at the next viewing thanks to brilliant performances from Kelly and Sweeney.

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