Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Book One: Change or Die

For as ominous a book title as Change or Die is, this book from Alan Deutschman is rather hopeful.  By examining the mechanics of change, the author is almost blasphemous in his progressiveness.   Further exploration finds the author breaking down change into three critical keys: Relate, Report and Reframe.  These keys allow us to make positive change permanent in our lives.

Deutschman uses several case studies to concrete his thoughts.  Of particular interest is Dr. Dean Ornish and his approach to lifestyle change with his heart patients.  Critical to Ornish's success is his ability to address the underlying issues to his patients health problems.  Poor diet, smoking, stress... yes, these are all indicators of health problems.  Ornish; however, looks closer to see the emotional (or circumstantial) distress and encourages a supportive approach that truly provides hope to the patient who truly believes that change is obtainable.

Unlike many self-help books, Change or Die cuts through the bullsh!t of so many of the 'You're broken.  Here's Why' tomes that has made self-improvement a multimillion dollar industry.  After examining the case studies, he sets the reader up for apply the three keys to their own life, personally and professionally.  Truly a fascinating read whether you want to change or not.

1 comment:

Robin M said...

Sounds interesting. Will check it out.