Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Me: Unplugged

Facebook, like any 'social networking site' {I loath that term.}, has its uses.  But reading this article I can't help but wonder... what's the matter with people?!  I'm not addicted as the subjects in the news report claim nor do I feel the need to unplug, but I found myself recently irritated that my relavs have decided this should be the primary means of communcation.  Seriously?! Do you not know how to use the phone?   I don't tweet, farm, or farkle, and I resent having to find out about my grandfather's birthday party via facebook.

Sadly, I've lost friends on facebook. I'm beginning to think that it does us all a disservice--almost nilifying communication. Much like the boy who cries wolf, I have stopped paying attention because a lot of 'mouths' are moving, but no one is saying anything important.

People forget to keep these sites in perspective--this one included. I love a good Facebook fight and all its ridiculous, but I refused to live and die by MySpace. I refuse to live and die by Facebook. If you are in my life, you are in my life regardless of your or my Facebook status.

Do me favor, call me next time.

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