Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Year One (2009)

I have a question. Who thinks this is funny?! Endless sex and fart jokes do NOT make a movie. Who green lights a screenplay like this?! The same people who like Paul Blart, if you ask me.

Zed (Jack Black) and Oh (former It-boy Michael Cera) are two idiot cavemen that have an adventure laden journey through the ancient world after being kick out of their tribe for stupidity. Unlike Bill and Ted, Oh and Zed are lame. Strangely, it doesn’t seem to matter that Olive Platt, Hank Azaria, Zander Berkley, Horatio Sans, and Olivia Wilde pop up.

Year One is just not funny.

Postscript 11.07.09 ~ Herein lies the film's demise.  It's too long.  Watch the theatrical version and Year One is wee bit more palatable.

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