Friday, November 20, 2009

Bruno (2009)

I don't know exactly what to call this satiric piece from Sacha Baron Cohen. 'Disgusting' comes to mind and that's really a shame. What could have been an insightful spoof is content to be stupidity.

Baron Cohen's character, Bruno, is a homosexual fashionista immigrating to America with one thing on his mind: being famous. Through a series of missteps and vast gayness, we follow Bruno being ridiculous. The events herein are random and ill-fitting. Nothing makes sense. Its Bruno flaunting his genitalia or watching other people flaunt theirs. What Ron Paul, Paula Abdul, or a black baby named OJ has to do with an Austria queer is beyond me.

Bruno is hardly polarizing—it’s harmless really due to the inane nature. It doesn’t bring anything positive or thought-provoking to the screen.. It’s as if Baron Cohen sets out to shock, nothing more. Anyone—gay or straight—will find the film repulsive. This is not funny.

I viewed this film with overwhelming incredulousness. I question the film’s entertainment value as well. Henceforth, I will pretend this garbage doesn’t exist.


YouKnowWho said...

My boss, who happens to be gay, loved the movie and thought it was hilarious. Why do all the movies you see have to have a message? JACKASS: THE MOVIE doesn't have one yet it's very entertaining.

backrowecritic said...

Like it or not, all movies have purpose. This movie does not entertain. I've yet to hear anyone make a logical argument as to why this movie is funny. Jackass: The Movie is a series of random events lead by stupid white males who find joy in pain and disfigurement. Though I find it idiotic and mindless, I am not the film's target demographic.

Bruno, again, is a series of IMO planned random events lead by an obnoxious actor who thinks overstereotying is funny. The spirit of the film is ugly--not fun. There is are no redeeming aspects. His actions are unwarranted. I'm truly dumbfounded that this film has a market. You probably liked Paul Blart. I hear that's funny.