Saturday, May 16, 2009

Taken (2009)

17 year old Kim (Maggie Grace) begs her father, Bryan (Liam Neeson) for permission to vacation in Paris. Bryan, a former covert-ops soldier, reluctantly agrees after being badgered by her mother Lenora (Famke Janssen). Permission granted with conditions, Bryan is on the phone with his daughter when Kim is taken by a group of human traffickers intent on selling her to the highest bidder. Bryan wants his daughter back and will employ his unusual skill set to do so.

Taken is an effectual action thriller that does nothing but entertain. Director Pierre Morel doesn't try to hard and ultimately it is Liam Neeson that elevates Taken from ho-hum predictability to 'Oh-Wow' average. Neeson brings a quiet reserve that he unleashes with incredible brutality. His character is more Jason Bourne than James Bond, complete with unexplored demons.

The production is highly-stylized. Action sequences are straight forward. Taken doesn't bother with complex plot lines or character development. It's simple action porn with swift resolution.

Taken is hardly an award-winner, but it does entertain. Strap in. Enjoy the car chases, opulent locales, and a** kicking.

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