Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Skulls (2000)

No, it's not a horror film. It's not even a remotely thrilling one. The Skulls is rated PG-13. Even so, this film is average average. If you averaged average average, wouldn't The Skulls be below average?!

Wish I could blame it all on Paul Walker. The guy is walking average, as I see it. Have you looked at his body of work--it screams average.

The Skulls is an attempt at a thriller centered about an Ivy League secret society. Joshua Jackson is Luke McNamara, an {Yes, I rented this one because of him. Sorry.} over-achieving and poor student that sees the elite society as his ticket to Harvard Law. What he doesn't bargain on are the ramification of his membership.

It works in theory, but not onscreen. The Skulls is lame. I'm giving Jackson the benefit of the doubt {but only because of Fringe {Tuesday nights on FOX}}. I am not, however, giving it to Craig T. Nelson or Gil Grissom, er, William Peterson {with a horrid accent, to boot}.

The one saving grace, is it seems director Rob Cohen (Dragonheart, Stealth) knows writer Josh Pogue's screenplay is crap, so he rushes through it. Trust me, The Skulls is better left in the closet.

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