Wednesday, October 22, 2008

31 Days of Horror: 28 Weeks Later (2007)

Carrying over from yesterday's post, let's examine the second film. Both are equally horrific and apocalyptic in nature...

28 Weeks Later finds us without Danny Boyle. 28 Weeks Later finds the remnant of the infected being rounded up and a possible cure being completed. 28 Weeks Later and thanks to unilateral forces, London is being re-inhabited. 28 Weeks Later finds us with a high gore factor and an intense chain of events.

It's not often you find a sequel to be complimentary. 28 Weeks Later is a solid follow-up continuing in the same vein despite a new writer/director. Gone is the minimalist aesthetic, remaining is core story, the foreboding soundtrack, a few survivors and a new gory outbreak.

28 Weeks Later grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go. The horror rises to a new level now that the Infected have evolved. Danger isn't random anymore. The hunt, in addition to the virus, creates this eerie, tension filled story that's bound not to end well. Frantic camera movement creates another level of despair; the night vision sequence is hair-raising, but it's the opening sequence through the countryside that is the ultimate nightmare. The helicopter adds a touch of gory camp.

This film has one speed--breakneck--any viewer willing to join in, is guaranteed a delicious modernized zed-fest.

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