Tuesday, July 15, 2008

And in the end...

My cat is dying. I can't believe it ends like this. First, I lose Suzi. In retrospect, her symptoms presented the same way. Maybe she did run away to die. It hurts my heart; she was my girl.

Now Bob. He went to the vet. He came back diagnosed with congestive heart failure. There is no cure.

Where once there was a robust Himalayan Calico that owned the very ground on which he stood. Now there is a bony shell. Where there was running and purring that sound like a speed boat, there is faint mewing and purrint barely above a whisper.

He is not in pain, but I am. I dread to think of the day when I wake-up and he doesn't. Or when I come home and he is no longer there to greet me.

This just bites. Hardcore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the news. I know I would feel exactly the same way.