Tuesday, June 17, 2008

First impressions

I waited all day for 5:00 this evening--I couldn't wait much longer. I've got it now and I've just got to share my first impression of Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends, Coldplay's latest offering. I've had the album for less that three hours and I'm enraptured. Coldplay is back, playing around with new sounds, it's quite brilliant. It's expansive. Violet Hill is in the early lead for my fav track.

The Company is all about engaging their employees. As part of their quest to engage their employees, this month's book club is all about filling your bucket and finding your strengths. So we took this test.

My results seem to imply I'm one van short of being a serial killer. Here are my five 'signature themes' in the order of dominance {with a short explanation}.

Strategic: This theme enables you to sort through the clutter and find the best route. It is not a sill that can be taught. It's a distinct way of thinking. This perspective allows you to see patterns where others simply see complexity. This is your Strategic them at work: "What if?" Select. Strike.

Deliberative: You are careful. You are vigilant. Everything may seem in order, but beneath the surface you sense the many risks. You are a fairly serious person who approaches lie with a certain reserve. For you, life is not a popularity contest, life is a minefield. You identify the dangers, weigh their relative impact, and the place your feet deliberately.

Learner: You love to learn. Whatever the subject, you will always be drawn to the process of learning. You are energized by the steady and the deliberative journey from ignorance to competence. The Thrill of the first few facts, early efforts to practice what you've learned--this is the process that entices you.

Intellection: You like to think. You like mental activity. This need for mental activity may be focused (solving a problem, developing an idea, or understanding another person's feelings) or lack focus. You are the kind of person who enjoys your time alone because it's your time for musing and reflection. You are introspective and are your own best companion as you pose yourself questions.

Input: You are inquisitive. You collect things. You might collect information--words, facts, books, and quotes--or you might collect tangible objects. Whatever you collect, you collect it because it interests you. Yours is the kind of mind that finds many things interesting. The world is exciting precisely because of its infinite variety and complexity.

Those who know, so far, have said these things are right on target. I agree. Now, The Company, wants us all to focus on those strengths and enjoy personal and career success through consistent performance.

*rolls eyes* It's like the best Internet quiz ever!!

My brother went to Bonnaroo this past weekend. I called him up to get the scoop. The conversation went like this:

Me: Hey dude, how was it?!
Him: Awesome.
Me: Sa-weet!
Him: Yeah, but Metallica sucked.
Me: WHAT?!
Him: Yeah, they should've played more old stuff. I didn't bother to wait for Wide Spread Panic.
Me: Yeah, I wouldn't either. Can't believe Metallica sucked. Even at their worst, they're still cool.
Him: Whatever. We just went back to camp and slept some more.
Me: I heard a lot of people were pissed at Kanye.
Him: Yeah, he sucked, too. I didn't bother long with him. Everybody was chanting 'f^ck Kanye'.
Me: I don't see why people put up with that arrogant prick. What a jerk. All he does is rap how wonderful he is and then pretty much says f^ck you all.
Him: Yeah, he was like two hours late in starting.
Me: Bet The Raconteurs were awesome. I read in the paper Jack White and that Brenden dude traded licks for hours.
Him: Yeah, I checked them out online. I didn't like their set though. They don't sound good live.
Me: Dude! WTF?! We're you stoned the whole time. I mean what exactly did you enjoy?!
Him: The comedy tent was cool. Hey, we did see Allison Krauss and Robert Plant.
Me: OMG!! Aren't they brilliant?!
Him: No, they are totally overrated. We went back to camp and slept for the afternoon.
Me: Don't you know who Robert Plant is?!
Him: Yeah. He was cool; I would have preferred them separate. The set was way too country for me.
Me: Dude, you suck! Are you SURE you enjoyed it?!
Him: Yeah, it was fun. We missed Jean Garafolo at the comedy tent.
Me: That liberal lesbo?! God, I hate her. She's a loud-mouth loser.
Him: Yeah, but _____ likes her.
Me: Well tell her I think less of her now.
Him: Come over this weekend; I've got some awesome pics to show.
Me: Cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude!! WTF?! Don't take this comment box away from me again.