Monday, November 24, 2014

Book Forty-Five: Eat More Better

If Dan Pashman had a tribe, I'd be in it.  Creator of The Sporkful, a podcast not for foodies but for eaters, Dan is a man after my own heart... the joy of unpretentious food.  Food that is a delicious to eat and look at without being obnoxious.  Eaters are always in pursuit of the next best bite.  Dan's podcast has asked the difficult questions like what are the ethics behind cherry-picking your favorites bits out of the snack mix.  He dissects the ways in which an eater can apply mix to cereal.  We are talking about the things that keep an Eater up at night.

As the subtitle hints, Pashman's book is an attempt to help the eater get the most delicious bites out of every meal.  Unfortunately for fans of Pashman and his podcast, you won't find must new content.  As an Eater, it's nice to find many of the theories and maxims of the Eatscape in one book.  However, only a freshman--a newbie--to the world of deliciousness will find the book truly fascinating.

As I see it, this alumni of Sporkful University is proud of Dan's accomplishment.  The book is a momentous event for long-time fans of the podcast.  It will help Eaters of all ages pass along the knowledge of deliciousness.  It will help explain the difference between 'bite variety' and 'bite consistency' which, as every Eater knows, is important for optimum deliciousness as every meal.  We can educate people everywhere on the importance of surface-area-to-volume ratio and how it plays into enjoying friend foods and ice our drinks.  Eat More Better has the potential to change the way you look at your food.  For the better, of course!

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