Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Book Thirty-Five: Contagious: Why Things Catch On

"What makes things catch on?"  Author and marketing professor Jonah Berger answers this question in Contagious.  With a delightful tone, Berger examines how and why social influence effects everything we do.  He also provides actionable steps to creating influence in this social savvy world.

The book is a fun read and while this reader would have preferred more stories illustrating his points, Berger makes some fascinating conclusions.  Examining the emotional triggers behind why we insist on using one product over another or the behavior triggers that have us all trying to accumulate rewards points, it's easy to feel manipulated by the time this book is through.  Berger ends his stories to make room for his STEPPS.  These steps are on the mark from my perspective but I'm no entrepreneur.  The STEPPS is a calculated and daresay proven technique to creating buzz around just about anything.  Berger has clearly exposed the collective consumer psyche.

As I see it, Contagious is a very approachable book.  The author's repartee with the reader is witty and straightforward.  And while you will read over several buzz words, you won't find the typical business jargon herein.  Overall, it's an interesting read and serves two purposes: consumer education and marketing 101.  If you just want to know why you feel compelled to purchase 'that' shirt or use 'this' brand, you will find your answer here.  More importantly, if you were ever curious about the phenomenon that was Rebecca Black, you will want to read chapter two.

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