Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Henry Poole is Here (2008)

Henry Poole is an odd man with a secret. Diagnosed with rare disease, he has only a few weeks to live. Rather than live it up, Henry (Luke Wilson) removes himself from life and partakes of an endless supply of pizza and liquor. His desire to left alone is interrupted by a devoutly religious and meddling neighbor Esperanza (Adriana Barraza) who spies a miracle on the stucco of Henry’s home. Much to Henry’s dismay, Esperanza spreads the word of this Holy sign making Henry’s home a shrine.

Henry Poole is Here is a character study of man with no hope finding something to hope for. Melancholic but inspirational, the film is nicely balanced emotionally and is subversively charming The progession of events is believably, if odd.

As I see it, Henry Poole is Here is a gentle little film that entertains and could actually be thought-provoking if you let it. The film doesn’t tell us what to believe insomuch as showcasing the strength found in faith.

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