Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)

Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox is super-fantastic!  Indulge me, dear readers.

This first animated feature from Anderson contains his trademark humor and dialogue.  The only difference is the stop-motion delivery by a myriad of woodland creatures.  If you're unfamiliar with the story, you must look elsewhere as I will only sing the praises of this adaptaion.

Using the voice talents of George Clooney (Mr. Fox), Meryl Streep (Mrs. Fox), Anderson muse Bill Murray (Badger), Jason Schwartzman (Ash Fox), Michael Gambon, Willem Dafoe, and Owen Wilson, Anderson brings these creatures to life with personalities, quirks, and insecurities.  Mr. Fox is a reformed chicken thief who gave up the life of crime when Ash was born as Mrs. Fox's request, but his natural habits get the better of him and Mr. Fox inadvertently brings the wrath of Boggis, Bunce, and Bean--three farmers--down on the whole community of badges, oppossums, mice, and more.

The adventure unfolds with gorgeous animation that captivates.  You swear the fur sways in the breeze.  Whether Mr. Fox or the home he inhabits, everything is charming to behold.  Pixar's multi-hued palatte pales in the golden rays of this creative piece.  The 'cussing' is another great, imaginative touch.  And I love Dafoe's turn as a karate-wielding rat.

As I see it, Anderson is at the top of his craft here.  He has successfully parlayed his hand into a tricky new arena and brilliantly delivered.  It's safe for the whole family, but I think the true genius of Fantastic Mr. Fox is the way Anderson winks at his adult audience with nary a derogarty remark in sight.

Brilliantly crafted, perfectly executed, Fantastic Mr. Fox is a masterpiece for a new generation!  These characters come alive and it is fantastic thing!

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