Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gigantic (2008)

Who decided a story titled Gigantic would be of a mattress salesman (Paul Dano) who always wanted to adopt a child from China? Who thought that the young mattress salesman should be raised by an odd family, meet a weird girl (Zooey Deschanel) and that she should have crazy dad (John Goodman) of the century? More puzzling, why did I think I wanted to watch it?

I’m still unsure what Gigantic wanted to be (ironic, maybe), but I’m certain what it is: not entertaining. This film is gigantic bore. It’s frustrating to see Paul Dano languish onscreen. Zooey Deschanel is content to be doe-eyed and annoyingly inane. Ed Asner pops up—maybe trying to procure some indie cred. Alas, he is another painful edition to this gigantic mess. Further complicating matters is Zach Galifianakis who gives bum rush its definition.

As I see it, Gigantic is an insipid time-waster. It never entertains or inspires. Avoid at all costs.

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