Saturday, December 27, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is to the Indy series as the Star Wars Prequels are to the original series--it neither adds anything nor does it take away... much. Fan of Dr. Jones will inevitably find something to love about it. I, myself, as casual fan find the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull to be so concentrated between nuking the fridge, alien skulls, man-eating ants, and pompadour wearing flying monkeys that it quickly became eye-roll inducing.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a ridiculous adventure that someone out there enjoys. The spirit of Indy seemed stripped away. In its place was blatant (and stupid) mass marketing without the swagger. The pathetic attempts at jokes about Indy's age were sad. at best. Shia Labeouf's role is a character I wouldn't mind exploring further. Using the Russians was an awesome and underutilized idea.

Unless you are a devoted fan of the series, stay away. Even then, I would have a hard time recommending this to you. See it if you must; but I told you so.

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