Wednesday, September 15, 2010

British Favourites: Being Human (2008-??)

The British do it better.

A vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost rent a flat.  No, its not the beginning of a joke.  But it is the premise for another stellar BBC production.  And while the description alone would lead the viewer to think comedy, Being Human is so much more.

Mitchell, the vampire and his werewolf buddy, George rent a flat haunted by a ghost names Annie.  The odd trio help each other survive being immortal in a mortal world.  Mitchell is on the wagon--swearing off human blood.  George refers to his mutation as his 'time of the month'.  Annie is trying to figure out why she can't pass on.

The combination of dry humor, dramatic spells, modern dialogue, special effects, and overall brilliant execution makes being human an incredible show.  The chemistry between the ensemble is spot-on creating supernatural authenticity.  It's smart, funny, and so very British.

Being Human is another great example of quality programming that very few of us will get to see.  I'm jealous of our friends across the pond. What a shame that our nation's collective IQ doesn't support such awesome productions here.  The debut season is available on DVD from Netflix and Amazon.  Season Two drops next week.

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