Sunday, August 22, 2010

Following (1998)

A young writer (Jeremy Theobald) begins to follow random strangers in an attempt to develop material. Enter a local two-bit burglar (Alex Haw) who enters local flats more for the thrill than the theft. Fascinated, the writer job-shadows the burglar and quickly becomes his apprentice.

Writer/director Christopher Nolan brings us this odd B&W noir thriller. Taut, intriguing and claustrophobic Following is reminiscent of Memento without a budget. Nolan must invent that which he cannot afford and it serves the viewer well.  Observatoin is key as Nolan heaps layer after layer of detail upon the senses.  As the layers unfold their secrets, a seediness arises that makes you feel like a voyeur in this blighted London neighborhood. The tension rises to the breaking point with the last ten minutes exploding your mind.

As I see it, Following is a rather auspicious debut from Nolan.  The film is a tight, low-budget masterpiece and a must-see for fans of this director.

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