Saturday, May 15, 2010

Noise (2007)

New Yorker David Owen (Tim Robbins) is a fussy old man. Desperate for peace and quiet, he turns his hatred for car alarms and their never-ending shill inward and becomes ‘The Rectifier’. Breaking into the offending cars to pop the hood and deactivate their alarms draws the attention of the mayor (William Hurt) who is determined to end this vigilante justice.

Noise is an insipid disjoined mess. That’s a shame considering the originality of the plot. The issues are threefold. The cast is content to phone-in uninspired performances. Tim Robbins with his lethargic whiny delivery comes across all wrong. He’s the neighbor everyone loves to hate. Delightful Bridget Moynahan is miscast as an uninteresting, disinterested wife. And the superb William Hurt is a total douche. It also lacks focus with a narrative that falters long before it gets started. Combined with all that is a thinly veiled socio-satirical diatribe and you’ve got a mess-terpiece.

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