Sunday, March 14, 2010

Down with Love (2003)

Delightfully campy, Down with Love is a tribute to the zany romantic couple of my parent's youth, Rock and Doris. Renee Zelweger and Ewan MacGregor are the overly dramatic leads. She is a male-bashing author fed up with love. He is a swinging single man and star reporter for 'Know' who turns on some fine Texas drawl to turn the tables on her.

With fab sets and mod clothes, the movie is visually fun. The predictability of plot twists and reversals can really annoy, but if kept in context it's a fun flick. David Hyde Pierce as the neurotic mag editor is a hoot.

As I see it, Down with Love is a perfect homage to the time period with its double entrendre and double crossing.  Sure it was a time of clearly defined society roles and down right sexism, but it sure seems fun!

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