Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kickboxer (1989)

Try as I might the combination of cheese and corn was too irresistible. That, dear reader is how I found myself yesterday afternoon watching the local matinee, Kickboxer. With a young Jean-Claude Van Damme seeking vengeance on behalf of brother who was paralyzed as the hands (and knees) of Tong Po. Kurt (Van Damme) trains in the art of muay-thai with the help of unorthodox master Xian Chow.

Kickboxer, with its melodramatic montages filled with 80s music, is the epitome of Van Damme. The formula for success is predictable right to the ring. Van Damme is in good form despite those unflattering pants.  His physical prowess is outstanding and it's evolution here is nicely done.

As I see it, Kickboxer isn’t high-brow, but it is fun entertainment. Enjoy!

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